Gratitude in Motherhood & Always

Today and everyday as moms, we work on finding the gratitude in our lives. Sometimes when the motherhood is real, it might feel a bit challenging. One of practices that has helped me is to have a daily list of what I am grateful for, not just reflecting during a certain time of the year.

I’m letting you know now that if you truly embrace the daily practice of gratitude that it will change your life.

No I am not exaggerating. It will change your life.

It’s not happy people who are grateful. It’s grateful people who are happy.

the more grateful you are, the more grateful you are.  

Yes, take that in for a moment.

When you express your gratitude, even if it’s just acknowledging to yourself that you’re grateful about some little thing (like your kids getting ready for school on time one morning!), it grows.  

As busy moms, we sometimes get lost in the hustle of just surviving the day. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the tantrums, the never ending laundry and dishes, the chaos of motherhood. But truly. We are so blessed. We all get glimpses of it when we see a mom who has suffered a great loss or who has to deal day to day with a challenge like a handicapped child day in and day out. We think about how lucky and blessed we are. But we are that lucky every single day. If your children don’t know hunger, you are blessed. If they don’t know fear or pain, you are blessed. If they have a comfortable home, you are blessed. I venture to say that most of my listeners have too many blessings to count every single day, and yet we struggle to give thanks more than a handful of times a year. That’s what I want to change for you.

Let’s practice right now.  If you can go grab a piece of paper and a pen. Or your favorite journal…


List 5 things you are grateful for, right now. What are the first 5 things that come up for you?


Notice how you feel after just 5 gratitudes, and imagine what a shift you can make if you train yourself to be thankful about more and more things every day.  Take a moment now to decide what one tiny habit you can build into your day to help you remember to be grateful. Write that new habit down.

My girlfriend Farel gave me a gratitude journal. I start every single day by writing one thing that I’m grateful for.

I even got a folder for my family and at random times will ask them what they are grateful for. It’s so cool to look back at the dated entries and see what my kids were grateful for.

I even make it the last thing I think about before going to sleep. It’s way better than counting sheep.

Gratitude has been proven to be good for you. Being grateful increases happiness, self esteem, health and more. It can improve your relationships. And it’s so easy!

So as you embark on this thanksgiving holiday. My wish for you is to focus on gratitude every single day, not just during the holiday. It will transform your perspective and your life.


If you’re looking to increase your gratitude, release stress, and find more joy in life - be sure to get The Joy Of Living Planner + Journal Today!

It’s on sale until Cyber Monday at midnight PST at a discounted price.

Click here to pre-order yours today!

This is just one of the many pages that are a part of your digital download, plus, you’ll get access to The Joy Experience, A mini-course that guides you through my daily practice of cultivating more joy, gratitude, and happiness in your life through the use of The Joy of Living Planner + Journal